Friday, September 9, 2011

Greatest Hits, Championship Edition, Episode III

This is a blog I wrote toward the end of 2005 as I was going through my "Random Thought Journal", about an entry written in 2002...  Holy shit.  A blog, re-hashing a blog about an old journal entry...  This is me doing a Christopher Nolan Inception!  Er...  I mean Impression.  I guess...


Dec 23, 2005

Green is the new red.

My random thought book freaks me out because it seems written by another person entirely.

Safe inside this wood and plaster symbol of the progress of Western Civilization, and all I can think about is the idea that I've been ripped off.  I think maybe I died out there a few days after my 18th birthday but I don't know for sure.  I'm too lazy to go out and check.  If I did, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that my ghost was haunting those beautiful streets.  The lights from a thousand office buildings reflecting off the tiny puddles of water.  The spent oil leaking out of cars and  painting rainbows in a miniature sea, polluted and defiant.  A spirit on a plank made from glue and dead trees with my face from an era now disappeared.  People evolved this thick skin over the years to keep it out, but I can see him, this person that nobody knew was different.  He soaks it in; a tree grasping at the sunset.  In these streets, among the trash and the pretty broken glass, is the truth.  And he doesn't know if he should die with it, or start lying like everybody else.
