Friday, June 12, 2009

Careful of the wheels... They bite.

I thought I was shredding the gnar. Turns out it was getting ready to shred me. One of my simultaneous talents and downfalls is that I like to take things apart, mess with setups, settings, etc. Sometimes when you take something apart, then put it back together, you end up with extra pieces. Not always a good thing. In this case, it was the risers on my skateboard. Slim sheets of rubber that serve the fairly important purpose of keeping the wheels from biting and throwing the rider onto the asphalt.

Yes, I know there are risers on that board already. It needs two layers. Yes that is a hunk of paint from the board on the wheel. Make sure you're dialed-in before you go bombing those hills kiddies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait. Are those 70mm's? aren't they a little big for that board?